Functions combining functions (solution)


Write two functions:

  • One called get_mass_from_length() that takes length (in m), a and b as arguments, has the following default arguments a = 39.9 and b = 2.6, uses the following code to estimate the mass (in kg) mass <- a * length ^ b, and returns it. (This function is the answer to the Default Arguments exercise, so feel free to copy over your answer if you’ve done that exercise).
  • One called convert_kg_to_pounds that converts kilograms into pounds (pounds = 2.205 * kg)
  1. Use these two functions (each function should be called separately) to estimate the weight, in pounds, of a 12 m long Stegosaurus with a = 10.95 and b = 2.64 (The estimated a and b values for Stegosauria from Seebacher 2001).

  2. Use these two functions (each function should be called separately) to estimate the weight, in pounds, of a 4 m long dinosaur using the default parameters.

Output solution
[1] 17055.37
[1] 3233.981