[1] 25262.027 41253.332 10767.568 95233.732 101260.017 40775.516
[7] 24072.130 4785.145 39129.521 29666.193 26830.297 64700.869
[13] 42768.180 94697.262 79013.471 103955.226 92798.465 41901.983
[19] 17439.569 41055.045 37544.201 25198.303 12928.490 36388.290
[25] 34962.862 80307.929 8854.525 50183.194 28846.165 35735.369
[31] 115908.187 31765.368 58958.713 5561.862 28349.410 15418.314
[37] 9218.648 1197.666 94407.873 19552.500
Loops use modify apply (solution)
Output solution
Code solution for Use and Modify with Apply
Part 1
Part 2
[1] 26039.686 42825.603 10800.224 98273.049 104257.481 41822.386
[7] 24840.644 4899.022 39915.948 30937.922 26354.908 66384.865
[13] 43837.944 97141.451 80553.856 105556.405 97374.660 42760.136
[19] 18749.274 42109.012 40674.182 26003.425 13229.824 37472.789
[25] 34684.033 80187.272 9460.977 51630.571 29253.772 36399.306
[31] 117511.962 33384.288 58581.226 5462.316 28637.745 15864.172
[37] 9284.810 1218.755 98522.609 19534.524